Why You Should Enroll Your Kids in Summer Camp

Kids at summer camp in Havre De Grace

Kids spend most, if not all, of their time in front of screens these days. Whether they’re gaming away on their pc, or watching videos on a smartphone or tablet, young children in the U.S have around 5 hours of screen time per day. This doesn’t even include the time used for schoolwork!

By enrolling them in summer camp, you can help your child unplug and get them interested in nature and physical activities. Here are all the reasons why:

Encourages self-development

Children get to learn more about themselves while at camp, leading to a significant increase in their self-confidence, independence, and self-worth. The feeling of accomplishment at excelling at certain activities is unmatchable! Meeting new people and making friends from different backgrounds can help them develop a deeper sense of community.

Summer camp can also make the process of learning seem like a fun time, encouraging children to grow their minds and deepen their understanding of the world around them.

Children gain team-building skills

Children will often get elected as activity leaders or team captains for sports, encouraging shy children to push themselves and reach new levels of self-confidence. It also helps them explore leadership roles without having to step up to it by themselves.

Participating in team-building exercises and games also encourages children to learn how to communicate and share while encouraging others to do the same and try their very best.

Keeps kids active

Summer camp has a wide variety of activities on offer. Rather than dreading the physical aspect like adults dread daily cardio workouts, they’ll enjoy the movement because of the playful aspect and the competitiveness attached to those activities. They’ll be too busy having fun to really notice how active they’re being!

Connects kids to positive role models

The camp has many experienced and compassionate individuals who can connect with children on an emotional level. Their leadership roles can also impact young children and teach them how to be patient, positive, a good listener, and how to show respect and kindness.

Detaching from parents can also help young kids learn how to be independent and trust their own intuition while taking care of themselves.

Children at daycare with a caretaker

Kids summer camp in Harford County

Master Mind Daycare’s is a daycare for kids in Maryland that provides the perfect way for you to keep your children engaged during the long months of summer! Our summer camp can provide your young ones with more than just fun. We understand the importance of socializing with different people, developing important life skills, and learning how to share and solve problems as a team.

Our aim is to make your child’s experience as fun and full of learning as we possibly can. We value the importance of early childhood development. Feel free to check out the details of our summer camp program or speak with us by getting in touch with us today!


Master Mind Daycare is an initiative to help bring out the hidden potential and talent of your little ones. We aim to groom their skills and help them hone their abilities while also providing them with a curriculum relevant to their future learning.