5 Things To Consider Before Enrolling Your Kid In A Daycare

A young boy playing with toys

Choosing a daycare center for your little one is important yet daunting. The prospect of your child spending time away from you can cause mild panic. That’s why you need to find a child care center that can ease your worries.

What Factors Should Parents Consider?

Sending your child to daycare is a milestone that should be celebrated. Here’s how you can make this achievement count:

1. Look Closely

Visit the facility and pay close attention to how the staff treats and interacts with children. An ideal child care center promotes the involvement of caregivers. Caregivers should be playing with the kids on the floor instead of standing in the distance.

Early childhood development emphasizes children’s need for a loving and closely interactive relationship with adults. So caregivers in a good daycare will be responsive and warm to every child.

2. Daycare Program

A good daycare center will promote early learning regardless of a pupil’s age. Take time to understand the program curriculum offered by the daycare. Find out whether the lessons being taught are age-appropriate. Ask them about the goals set by teachers and whether each program is tailored to children’s developmental stage and learning needs. While learning is important, make sure to ask about playtime.

3. Resources And Facilities

A high-quality child care center thrives on a warm and friendly environment conducive to children’s learning. You need to pick a center that conforms to sanitary and hygiene protocols and maintains cleanliness across the facility.

Pick a facility that offers responsible material and learning resources for children. Make sure to check whether these resources are age-appropriate. Take time to check each aspect of the center and the working condition of the material used for playtime or teaching.

4. Facility Environment

Environment plays an instrumental role in promoting child development and learning. Never compromise on this aspect. You can tell the type of environment that a daycare promotes by how the staff treats children and each other. A high-quality daycare offers a warm, welcoming environment. Also, keep in mind the security protocols of the center.

5. Recommendations

While many child care centers may have good first impressions, you can’t fall for that. Another way to ensure the right choice is by asking other parents. Get recommendations from your circle or do a quick internet search for options.

If you’re looking for a daycare center with nurturing and welcoming environment in Whiteford, visit Master Mind Daycare – a child care center that offers a holistic curriculum and experiential learning opportunities. Schedule a tour with us or explore our early childhood development programs. We offer daycare and summer camp programs. Contact us today for more details.


Master Mind Daycare is an initiative to help bring out the hidden potential and talent of your little ones. We aim to groom their skills and help them hone their abilities while also providing them with a curriculum relevant to their future learning.