Child Development: The Role of Pre-School and Daycare Centers

A child drawing with white paint

Child development involves physical, emotional and mental changes occurring from birth to adolescence. This period is marked crucial in child development because children are influenced by people and the environment surrounding them.

Purpose of Early Childhood Education (ECE)

To ensure that children grow up to be functional adults and part of society, early childhood education supports children’s learning and development needs. ECE provides resources and strategizes learning to support children’s social, cognitive, and emotional skills. These skills are important for an individual to become a lifelong learner.

Preschools and child care centers are equally important in child development. Here’s how these facilities contribute to children’s learning:

1. Enhance Prosocial Behavior

Research suggests that enrolling children in high-quality daycare has a significantly long-lasting effect on children’s emotional and social development. Children are involved in plays and consistently socialize with each other and staff. This increases resilience and empathy and eventually prosocial behavior.

Play-based activities increase interaction with peers, which strengthens children’s interpersonal skills. High-quality daycare and preschool facilities offer solutions for conflicts so children can learn and observe.

2. Promote Academic Achievement

Early childhood education through daycare and preschools has a positive impact on children’s academic achievement later in life. Preschools and child care centers support the learning and development of children by providing a strong foundation. Students who attend early childhood education are more likely to get higher education.

3. Foster School Readiness

Early childhood education programs like daycare and preschools influence children’s cognitive growth, which leads to school readiness. Daycare centers offer structured daily activities that are designed to stimulate children’s attention and cognitive growth. These facilities engage the senses to support pre-literacy skills to prepare children for kindergarten.

Though children may not need to learn reading skills, they can learn phonemic awareness and other literacy-related skills relevant to reading. These skills can be developed in daycare and preschool facilities.

4. Improve Communication Skills

Children learn to communicate in ways that don’t involve speaking; it also cultivates active listening – an important part of communication. These facilities create an environment where children learn to speak and communicate. They also understand the importance of body language and non-verbal cues.

5. Increase Confidence

Children feel confident when they’re empowered. Daycare facilities encourage independence and initiative-taking attributes. The activities like scaffolding support the capabilities and competencies of children.

Although small wins, these successes boost children’s self-efficacy and belief that they can navigate challenges. Preschool and daycare centers have activities that tap into children’s capabilities to boost their confidence.

A little girl studying the globe

Boost Your Child’s Confidence at Master Mind Daycare

Believe that your child is a fully capable and confident human being. All they need is a push in the right direction. Enroll your child with Master Mind Daycare, where we support early childhood development by offering two programs: 1) daycare which caters to learning and pre-literacy skills of children, and 2) summer camp, which involves activities to support the physical, mental, social, and emotional needs of children. We’re based in Havre De Grace and offer a school tour. Schedule your tour today by contacting us or learn more about our programs here.


Master Mind Daycare is an initiative to help bring out the hidden potential and talent of your little ones. We aim to groom their skills and help them hone their abilities while also providing them with a curriculum relevant to their future learning.